Dasyrium is Born

Dasyrium is Born

Since we first tasted sotol, its sweet, herbal, and complex flavor captivated us—like all things magical, difficult to describe—it piqued our curiosity. We journeyed to Chihuahua, the birthplace of this distilled spirit.

We discovered the mysticism surrounding Sotol, the Mexican land where it has been celebrated for centuries, and the starry sky that illuminates the desert nights. It was there that Dasyrium was born, its name derived from the dasylirion plant and the brightest star in the universe, Sirius.


Our Values


Our product is crafted in Chihuahua, under the guidance of our master sotolera, following the traditional techniques of the region.


We respect regional traditions while preserving the historical value of a drink.


Every step in our process is supervised to maintain the highest standards, using traditional ingredients from the region.


We work with love and care to create an unparalleled experience.


We always seek to give something back to our community by promoting social programs.


We proudly offer the best sotol crafted by the only woman sotolera in the region.

The Secret Elixir of Mexico

The Secret Elixir of Mexico

The history of sotol is as old as the culture itself, as secret and hidden as legends. Drinking sotol is a pre-hispanic ritual that is inevitably linked to our present. Sotol is born from a wild plant: it is the drink that exchanges domestication for authenticity and mystery. Yes, sotol has tradition, but it is as free as those who drink it.


Cut Grass, Quince, Toasted Pecans




Vanilla, Fennel, Citrus fruits


Light and smooth

Dasyrium Sotol: A desert gem with a smooth, balanced flavor and intriguing aroma.
Dasyrium - Versatile and authentic, capturing the essence of the desert in every sip.
Dasyrium Sotol: A unique and exceptional spirit with notes of cut grass and quince.